This is a brief written by the author of this site for the Knights of Columbus. It describes how the Knights can help defeat the Enemy of Christ. Readers can also download a PDF copy of the brief. Summary: Strengthen the Church, Win the Battle Here in the United States, … [Read more...] about Winning the Spiritual Battle of Today
List of All Writings
An Open Letter to the Archbishop
Below is an open letter written by the author of this site to the Archbishop of Baltimore, William Lori, on 26 February 2025. Your Excellency, For months I was puzzled by the Knights of Columbus’ focus on Ukraine. Why, I wondered, would the order focus its charitable efforts on a … [Read more...] about An Open Letter to the Archbishop
Book Report: The Dawn Of Everything
The Dawn of Everything, by David Graeber and David Wengrow, may be the most important book written in the last century or so. That's because its authors did something extremely valuable: they surveyed a great deal of recent research into Stone Age societies, then used it to … [Read more...] about Book Report: The Dawn Of Everything
Our Schools Need a Paternal Leader
The public school system in the county where I live is failing badly. Why is it failing? Because it lacks leadership. How can we turn it around? By seeking out a good paternal leader and putting him in charge. Our public schools are awful these days. In the county where I … [Read more...] about Our Schools Need a Paternal Leader
It’s Time to Restore the Strong Father
As noted in a previous essay, America is being "decivilized." How can we change that? By restoring the idea of the Strong Father to our culture. Good paternal leadership sets things right, so it's time to put the Strong Father back in charge. The Strong Father represents order and … [Read more...] about It’s Time to Restore the Strong Father
Ending the Teen Mental Health Crisis
According to the chief health officer in the county where I live, there's an epidemic of mental illness among teenagers here. Depression and anxiety are crippling them by the thousands. This local epidemic mirrors a larger one nationwide, one that the mental health industry hasn't … [Read more...] about Ending the Teen Mental Health Crisis
Let’s Build Beautiful Schools Again
Most school buildings in this country are cheap, ugly boxes that aesthetically brutalize all who enter them. It's time to abandon that sort of modernist architecture and start building beautiful schools again. Most school architecture is bleakly industrial. When I walk through … [Read more...] about Let’s Build Beautiful Schools Again
Escaping from the World of Wokeness
What we contemplate, we imitate. That is, if we spend a lot of time thinking about something, we're probably doing that something ourselves. So, if our goal is to make things better, we should contemplate better things. That said, sometimes we must think about the bad that's … [Read more...] about Escaping from the World of Wokeness
“ADHD” Means “Natural Normal Boy”
A few years ago, I did some substitute teaching in the local public schools. In them, I noticed something strange: the boys labeled "ADHD" were perfectly normal. Sure, a few boys had trouble focusing and paying attention. But from what I saw, this resulted from conditions in their … [Read more...] about “ADHD” Means “Natural Normal Boy”
The Wild, Wonderful Dancing Nymph
There's a special kind of woman who loves to move in rhythm with the music of the world. She's abundantly feminine, and, when she's happy, wonderfully radiant. Attuned to the deep currents of life, she uncovers hidden meaning and connection. Keenly intuitive, she divines the truth … [Read more...] about The Wild, Wonderful Dancing Nymph
An Interview from America’s Future
What will life in America be like 100 years from now? Below is one possible scenario, related in an "interview" with an American set a century in the future. In this scenario, people's standard of living declined, but their quality of life improved. Why? Mostly because the rule of … [Read more...] about An Interview from America’s Future
Will Civil War Come to MD Again?
In the coming 2024 election, Maryland is holding a referendum to amend its state constitution. The results of the vote will be divisive either way, but they're of secondary importance. It's the referendum's very existence that matters most. It was introduced as part of a political … [Read more...] about Will Civil War Come to MD Again?