People of each personality type like to do—and are good at doing—different sorts of work. How do type differences play out in the modern workplace? Let’s find out…
Different temperaments mean different work styles.
Nymphs and Satyrs are Dionysian, while Muses and Centaurs are Apollonian:
In Greek mythology, Nymphs and Satyrs are companions of Dionysus, the god of inspiration and freedom. At work, they’re similar in that: | In Greek mythology, Muses and Centaurs are descendants of Apollo, the god of balance and harmony. At work, they’re similar in that: |
They value flexiblility. They want the freedom to bend the rules a little. | They value structure. They want tasks and responsibilities to be clear. |
When there are problems, they want to change things so they work better in the future. | When there are problems, they want to correct things so they work as they did in the past. |
They’d like everyone to remember that they’re naturally sociable. Freedom and social interaction are their priorities. | They’d like everyone to remember that they’re naturally reserved. Structure and consistency are their priorities. |
They do best in growth-oriented organizations such as small business, innovative schools, growing companies. | They prefer to work in established organizations such as government agencies, nonprofits, large corporations. |
Different work roles are filled by different types.
People of different natural talents gravitate toward different general roles:
Fighting/Hunting people are Leaders. Fighting types manage groups and make decisions, while Hunting types are go-to pathfinders and achievers. At work, they want the authority to make things happen. |
Dancing/Singing people are Facilitators. Dancing types energize and connect other people, while Singing types build consensus among them. At work, they want duties that involve engaging with others. |
Painting/Crafting people are Makers. Painting types create things of their own design, while Crafting types build things of established design. At work, they want adequate resources, and to be left alone. |
Gathering/Tending people are Supporters. Gathering types take care of day-to-day tasks, while Tending types take care of people. At work, they want to know that others are committed to the group. |
Specific work roles are filled by specific types.
People of each specific type are best-suited to fill a specific organizational role:

INITIATOR: Fighting Satyr Chief
The Initiator role comes naturally to this Dionysian Leader. It’s the role for a creative leader who wants to achieve new things in new situations.
He’s a charismatic leader. In business-speak, the Initiator is a “change agent.” He can lead people in new directions. He makes mistakes, learns from them, and forges ahead.
He can be difficult. The Initiator doesn’t build consensus, he shakes things up. He thrives in situations where he can build new organizations or turn old ones around.

ADMINISTRATOR: Fighting Centaur
This Apollonian Leader serves well in the Administrator role. When put in charge of an established organization, he can get it to perform at a high level and succeed in its mission.
He’s a good teacher. The Administrator is skilled at training and development. Under his tutelage, people develop their talents and learn how to do their jobs well.
He inspires confidence. Things tend to run smoothly when he’s around. Rules are followed, custom and tradition are observed, and everyone feels free to contribute.

ADVISOR: Fighting Satyr Mage, Dancing Nymph Oracle
These Dionysian types serve in the Advisor role. They see patterns others don’t, so Initiators and Administrators do well to seek their advice when making important decisions and plans.
She/he’s not an authority figure. The Advisor should not have responsibilities that involve managing people. She/he should be able to move freely and informally within the organization.
She/he has uncommon powers. Advisors can change the way people see themselves, the organization, and the world. They often supply interesting options and possibilities.

MANAGER: Hunting Nymph, Fighting Satyr
These Dionysian Leaders are good in the Manager role. They organize groups and get their members working as a team to achieve a common goal.
She/he knows the ropes. Managers know what needs to be done, because they’ve done it before. They usually have recognized authority, which they get because others respect their knowledge and past experience.
She/he is team-oriented. The Manager has been in team sports, dramatic productions, small business, etc., so she/he knows how teams work and how to lead them.

HUNTER: Hunting Centaur
This Apollonian Leader is perfect for the Hunter role, which involves getting results, solving problems, troubleshooting. An organization turns to him to get specific things done.
He’s focused on getting results. Observant, astute, and intent on achieving his goal, the Hunter makes an excellent salesperson. These same qualities also make him an effective prosecutor, inspector, and dealmaker.
He pounces on opportunities. He looks for an advantage, an angle, some way to efficiently get the job done. Once he finds one, he moves decisively to make that happen.

EXPLORER: Hunting Satyr
This Dionysian Leader, who has both fortitude and sensitivity, fills the Explorer role well. It involves identifying opportunities, evaluating situations, and forming new alliances.
He surveys the lay of the land. The Explorer examines the world outside the organization firsthand, making observations and contacts that help Initiators and Administrators chart its course.
He tends to travel widely. He likes being out and about, meeting new people, seeing new places, learning new things. He tends to travel a lot, both for business and for pleasure.

CONNECTOR: Dancing Nymph, Dancing Satyr
With their infectious energy, these Dionysian Facilitators are well-suited to the Connector role. They can “dance” with others and bring them happily into the fold.
She/he is skilled in communication. The Connector can teach, make presentations, give performances, and do anything else that involves communicating and connecting with an audience of one or many people.
She/he is personally magnetic. She/he can work interpersonal magic, and often makes introductions, creating new relationships between people.

MEDIATOR: Singing Nymph, Singing Satyr
With their talent for creating harmony, these Dionysian Facilitators do well in the Mediator role, which is about maintaining good relationships among individuals and groups.
She/he is an excellent go-between. The Mediator is an advocate for concord and understanding, a bridge between different types of people. She/he helps build consensus, and gets people “singing the same tune.”
She/he often advocates for others. If there are people in a group being misunderstood, she/he will often come to their aid. She/he can help others to recognize their value.

ILLUSTRATOR: Painting Nymph, Painting Satyr
These Dionysian Makers take the Illustrator role. When an organization needs to communicate to people at a distance, in words or pictures, it calls upon the Illustrator.
She/he has rare and valuable skills. The Illustrator has the ability to convey meaning through images and symbols. She/he can do things like distill the soul of an organization into a logo or marketing brief.
She/he creates art with practical value. She/he cares about artistic expression, and knows that it’s important. That’s why she/he makes things look sharp, read well, etc.

ENGINEER: Crafting Satyr
This Dionysian Maker fills the Engineer role. Every organization needs someone who can design, build, maintain, and/or repair useful, practical things, and that’s what the Engineer does.
He takes pride in his craft. The Engineer should be given more support than supervision—he knows what he’s doing, and wants to do it well. He’s a bit like an artist, so don’t interrupt him while he’s working.
He is resourceful. While he prefers to work on things that are high-quality and proven, he can make broken things work in a pinch, cobbling together creative solutions.

CURATOR: Gathering Muse
This Apollonian Supporter makes an excellent Curator. This role involves freeing up an Administrator to focus on the big picture, by managing the details of his day to day work.
She is well-organized. The Curator keeps an office squared away. Information is organized, schedules are coordinated, and meetings are arranged, in a way that helps the organization to run smoothly and well.
She knows the score. Because of her central role in the office, she knows what’s going on. Because she’s quiet and discriminating, people trust her.

COLLECTOR: Gathering Nymph
This Dionysian Supporter serves well in the Collector role. An Initiator needs someone to keep track of all the details that might otherwise distract him. The Collector does this.
She collects things of value. The Collector collects and organizes information that’s of use to the Initiator. Because she’s friendly and people find her easy to talk to, she has her finger on the pulse of the organization.
She is socially-oriented. She also arranges social contacts and functions. Her office or desk is the office’s social center, where people gather to talk and find out what’s new.
Leaders should form certain type partnerships.
A group’s success depends upon the quality of its leadership. For leaders to perform well, they should work closely with specific types of people.

Some Leaders complement each other:
- Initiators and Administrators work like a bishop and rook on a chessboard, respectively. The former move diagonally, the latter at right angles. Each covers the other’s blind spots and complements the other’s strengths.
- Generals George Patton and Dwight Eisenhower formed this sort of partnership during World War II. Patton was the aggressive Initiator leading from the front, Eisenhower the calculating Administrator coordinating things back at headquarters.

All Leaders should have an Advisor:
- Leaders operate mostly from their Masculine, but a balance of Feminine and Masculine is key to putting an organization on the right path. Who can keep leaders in touch with feminine sensitivity and flow? An Advisor.
- Advisors are powerful people in their own right, with the strength to speak truth to Leaders, and the subtlety to do it in a way they’ll accept. For example, the oracle at Delphi phrased her advice in cryptic terms that Leaders had to figure out, and thus make their own.