Many people outside the Church, and even outside Christianity, have come to see, as Bishop Olmsted did, that diabolical forces are at work in the world.
Even the feminist writer Naomi Wolf has perceived what she calls “negative energies,” or “devils,” in our society, “transmitting powers that are bad and dangerous.”
These powers are transmitted in ways that suggest a grand strategy, one created by a cunning mind. This strategy can be summed up as: eliminate the Strong Father.
The strategy: eliminate the Strong Father
Jesus spoke of God the Father for a reason: the Father represents Order, Authority, and Wisdom. These things are needed for people to thrive, in families and societies alike. A Strong Father is good, because he has the power to provide them.

If you’re a malign being, and you want to cut us off from God, you start by eliminating the Strong Father in our families. Our earthly fathers shape our view of God the Father, so if you can make them weak, it’s easier to turn us away from Him.
Once you’ve removed the Strong Father from the household, you can do even more spiritual damage by installing the Devouring Mother as its head.
The Devouring Mother is the opposite of the Strong Father. She is a selfish, controlling woman, estranged from real love. Afraid of being alone, she works to emotionally cripple her own children. That way, she thinks, they can never leave her.

The Strong Father
Supports his children with good guidance and healthy boundaries, helping them develop their natural strengths, so they grow up to be independent adults.

The Devouring Mother
Manipulates her children with emotional strokes and pokes, rewarding them if they remain dependent on her, and punishing them if they try to do otherwise.
This diabolical strategy of eliminating the Strong Father is very effective. That’s because it sets off a self-perpetuating cycle of family dysfunction:
- In depriving boys of a good paternal role model, and keeping them dependent and insecure, it turns many of them into weak or absent fathers.
- In denying mothers Strong Fathers to support them, it sets them up to become Devouring Mothers, whose daughters follow in their footsteps.
The tactics: defile children, reverse roles, use media
To achieve its strategic goal of eliminating the Strong Father, the Enemy uses three main tactics:

- Defile and distort the souls of children. Stifle kids’ natural inclinations, and indoctrinate them to make the unnatural seem normal. That way, they’ll grow up into twisted, stunted adults, ready for use as vessels of the depraved.
- Reverse gender roles and characteristics. Feminize men. Disempower them, denigrate them, and discriminate against them. At the same time, masculinize women. Then push these masculinized women into positions of authority.
- Employ bureaucracy and mass media. Impose this agenda on society using big, impersonal bureaucracies that dehumanize the people they purport to serve, and vast, invasive electronic media that stupefy the people who use them.
The World Economic Forum: an unholy “church”

To execute its strategy, the Enemy employs an unholy “church.” If the medieval Church was the original international institution, then the World Economic Forum—the nerve center of Globalism—is its evil modern counterpart.
Globalism is an ideology based on the idea that humanity should not be guided by God in the form of Jesus Christ, but rather controlled by a small group of “gods” in the form of transnational financiers, corporate officers, and bureaucrats.
The globalists who fund the WEF are extremely rich men who lack a spiritual foundation. They worship technology and progress. Many of them subscribe to “transhumanist” schemes to meld man and machine. They seek to hoard vast amounts of wealth, and in pursuit of that, they run and own:

- Social media companies, with global reach, that cultivate then exploit children’s insecurities, and employ algorithms that encourage addictive behavior.
- Multinational pharmaceutical firms that produce artificial hormones, psychoactive drugs, and promote their widespread use by adults and children alike.
- Studios that make, for global markets, shows that promote reversed gender roles, the masculinization of women, and the feminization of men.
- Huge financial firms that have governments illegally import masses of migrants, in order to destabilize societies, raise asset prices, and drive wages down.
Unfortunately for us, these globalists are very good at turning their ill-gotten wealth into political power, so they now dictate government policy throughout the Western world.
Woke professionals: a false, secular “clergy”

To implement its tactics, the Enemy works through a secular “clergy:” woke professionals. These are the people who run our universities, family courts, public schools, and mental health practices, most of whom adhere to wokeness.
Wokeness is an ideology based on the values of sensitivity, compassion, and equality, taken to unhealthy extremes. In it, sensitivity becomes neurosis, compassion becomes indulgence, and equality becomes inversion.
Its adherents think of themselves as a sort of secular clergy that’s uniquely qualified to decide how everyone else should live. Unlike the real clergy of the Catholic priesthood, this false clergy is poorly-educated.
This false clergy of woke professionals promotes a deranged reversal of gender roles and characteristics. According to them:

- Women should be hard and aggressive, while men should be soft and sensitive.
- Women should strive and struggle, while men should prance and primp.
- Men can be women, women can be men, and “transitions” should be normal.
The most dangerous thing about this false clergy is that it regards wokeness as absolute truth. The philosopher Ken Wilber noted its absolutist bent, and wrote about it:
“It says all worldviews are arbitrary, all truth is relative… But that stance itself claims to be universally true. It is claiming everybody’s truth is relative except mine… I alone have the universal truth… And their absolute truth ends up being very ideological, very power-hungry, very elitist in the worst sense.”

That’s what we see today in the United States: woke professionals who are ideological, power-hungry, and elitist, imposing their “absolute truth” of wokeness on others through the bureaucratic social systems they control.
They produce awful outcomes wherever they go: terrible schools, ruined cities, epidemics of mental illness. They never admit that, however. Invariably, they attribute their failures to something other than themselves, such as Covid.
Read the next section: Strong Fathers: Our Soldiers >>