This spiritual battle we’re fighting presents us with an opportunity to renew the Church, and with it our society. To seize it, we must, “Be confident! Be bold!” as Bishop Olmsted wrote. We must go, as he said, “Forward, into the breach!”

The Knights of Columbus seem ready to do that. They assert that our nature as men is one of service and challenge, and that we’re here to bring greatness into the world.
By training young men to be men in full, the Knights can make the Catholic faith a place for real men. These men will lead their families to the Church, and the Church will grow stronger. A strong Church can then defeat the Enemy and renew our society.
Can the Knights spark a flame of righteousness that spreads to burn throughout America? Yes. As Archbishop John Ireland wrote:

“The need in the Church today, the need in the world, is of men among men who can rise higher, who can see further, who can strive more nobly than others. They need not be many. They never were many. But, though the few, they will rise, and bring with them the whole of humanity.”